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ing their right place to precious stones; and the jewellers, on their side, had not shown them how; for I ought to say that a jeweller, when he has to work with figures, must of necessity understand design, else he cannot produce anything worth looking at: and so it turned out that all of them had stuck that famous diamond in the middle of the breast of God the Father. The Pope, who was an excellent connoisseur, observing this mistake, approved of none of them; and when he had looked at about ten, he flung the rest down, and said to me, who was standing at a distance: “Now show me your model, Benvenuto, so that I may see if you have made the same mistake as those fellows.” I came forward, and opened a little round box; whereupon one would have thought that a light fr heaven had struck the Pope's eyes. He cried aloud: “If you had been in my own body, you could not have done it better, as this proves. Those men there have found the right way to bring shame upon themselves!” A crowd of great lords pressing round, the Pope pointed out the difference between my model and the drawings. When he had sufficiently cmended it, the others standing terrified and stupid before him, he turned to me and said: “I am only afraid of one thing, and that is of the utmost consequence. Friend Benvenuto, wax is easy to work in; the real difficulty is to execute this in gold.” To those words I answered without ment's hesitation: “Most blessed Father, if I do not work it ten times better than the model, let it be agreed beforehand that you pay me nothing.” When they heard this, the noblemen made a great stir, crying out that I was prising too much. Among them was an eminent philosopher, who spoke out in my favour: “Fr the fine physiogny and bodily symmetry which I observed in this young man, I predict that he will accplish what he says, and think that he will even go beyond it.” The Pope put in: “And this is my opinion also.” Then he called his chamberlain, Messer Traiano, and bade him bring five hundred golden ducats of the Camera.

    While we were waiting for the money, the Pope turned once more to gaze at leisure on the dexterous device I had employed for cbining the diamond with the figure of God the Father. I had put the diamond exactly in the center of the piece; and above it God the Father was shown seated, leaning nobly in a sideways attitude, which made a perfect cposition, and did not interfere with the stone's effect. Lifting his right hand, he was in the act of giving the benediction. Below the diamond I had place three children, who, with their arms upraised, were supporting the jewel. One of them, in the middle, was in full relief, the other two in half-relief. All around I set a crowd of cherubs, in divers attitudes, adapted to the other gems. A mantle undulated to the wind around the figure of the Father, fr the folds of which cherubs peeped out; and there were other ornaments besides which made a very beautiful effect. The work was executed in white stucco on a black stone. When the money came, the Pope gave it to me with his own hand, and begged me in the most winning terms to let him have it finished in his own days, adding that this should be to my advantage.
