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le of our noble calling, and will show yourselves princes who enjoy and understand the fine arts.” The Duchess, in a great rage, told me that I tired her patience out; she wanted the marble for Bandinello, adding: “Ask the Duke; for his Excellency also means Bandinello to have it.” When the Duchess had spoken, the Duke, who had kept silence up to this time, said: “Twenty years ago I had that fine block quarried especially for Bandinello, and so I mean that Bandinello shall have it to do what he likes with it.” I turned to the Duke and spoke as follows: “My lord, I entreat your most illustrious Excellency to lend a patient hearing while I speak four words in your service.” He told me to say all I wanted, and that he would listen. Then I began: “You will remember, my lord, that the marble which Bandinello used for his Hercules and Cacus was quarried for our incparable Michel Agnolo Buonarroti.

    He had made the model for a Samson with four figures, which would have been the finest masterpiece in the whole world; but your Bandinello got out of it only two figures, both ill-executed and bungled in the worst manner; wherefore our school still exclaims against the great wrong which was done to that magnificent block. I believe that more than a thousand sons were put up in abuse of that detestable performance; and I know that your most illustrious Excellency remembers the fact very well. Therefore, my powerful prince, seeing how the men to whose care that work was entrusted, in their want of taste and wisd, took Michel Agnolo's marble away fr him, and gave it to Bandinello, who spoilt it in the way the whole world knows, oh! will you suffer this far more splendid block, although it belongs to Bandinello, to remain in the hands of that man who cannot help mangling it, instead of giving it to se artist of talent capable of doing it full justice? Arrange, my lord, that every one who likes shall make a model; have them all exhibited to the school; you then will hear what the school thinks; your own good judgment will enable you to select the best; in this way, finally, you will not throw away your money, nor discourage a band of artists the like of wh is not to be found at present in the world, and who form the glory of your most illustrious Excellency.”

    The Duke listened with the utmost graciousness; then he rose fr table, and turning to me, said: “Go, my Benvenuto, make a model, and earn that fine marble for yourself; for what you say is the truth, and I acknowledge it.” The Duchess tossed her head defiantly, and muttered I know not what angry sentences.

    I made them a respectful bow and returned to Florence, burning with eagerness to set hands upon my model.
