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in the palm, even against the great Michel Agnolo Buonarroti, fr wh and fr no one else I have learned all that I know. Indeed, I should be much better pleased to enter into cpetition with him who knows so much than with those others who know but little of their art. Contending with my sublime master, I could gain laurels in plenty, whereas there are but few to be reaped in a contest with these men.” After I had spoken, she rose in a half-angry mood, and I returned to work with all the strength I had upon my model.

    When it was finished, the Duke came to see it, bringing with him two ambassadors, one fr the Duke of Ferrara, the other fr the Signory of Lucca. They were delighted, and the Duke said to those two gentlemen: “Upon my word, Benvenuto deserves to have the marble.” Then they both paid me the highest cpliments, especially the envoy fr Lucca, who was a person of accplishments and learning. I had retired to se distance in order that they might exchange opinions freely; but when I heard that I was being cplimented, I came up, turned to the Duke, and said: “My lord, your most illustrious Excellency ought now to employ another admirable device: decree that every one who likes shall make a model in clay exactly of the same size as the marble has to be. In this way you will be able to judge far better who deserves the cmission; and I may observe that if your Excellency does not give it to the sculptor who deserves it, this will not wrong the man so much, but will reflect great discredit upon yourself, since the loss and shame will fall on you. On the other hand, if you award it to the one who has deserved it, you will acquire great glory in the first place, and will employ your treasure well, while artists will believe that you appreciate and understand their business.” No sooner had I finished speaking than the Duke shrugged his shoulders, and began to move away. While they were taking leave the ambassador of Lucca said to the Duke: “Prince, this Benvenuto of yours is a terrible man!” The Duke responded: “He is much more terrible than you imagine, and well were it for him if he were a little less terrible; then he would possess at the present ment many things which he has not got.” These precise words were reported to me by the envoy, by way of chiding and advising me to change my conduct. I told him that I had the greatest wish to oblige my lord as his affectionate and faithful servant, but that I did not understand the arts of flattery. Several months after this date, Bandinello died; and it was thought that, in addition to his intemperate habits of life, the mortification of having probably to lose the marble contributed to his decline.
