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    台版 转自 天使动漫论坛





    WHAT IS A STRANGER?什么是异乡客?

    He is new possibilities in human beings,异乡客,是人类全新的可能性

    his flesh is a shield of steel,and the both arms are like sliver swords,他的肉体是钢铁之盾,他的双臂是银之剑

    His heart has golden self-respect and his pupil has will of a flame,他心怀黄金般的矜持,眼神燃烧着火焰般的意志

    A revolution occurs only for the reason he exists,他只是存在,就能够带来变革

    异乡客,他是开启新世界的钥匙 He is a key to the new world.

    it opens the door

    connected to strangeness


    IF SO,


